What is Wi-Fi Calling?

Wi-Fi Calling allows you to make and receive calls, send texts, picture and video messages over a Wi-Fi connection. With Wi-Fi Calling, you no longer have to worry about the strength of your cellular signal. As long as you’re connected to Wi-Fi, you will be able to call and text as you normally do, all using your existing phone number.

Important: Location-based calling and messaging services are not available over Wi-Fi Calling.

Once you’ve set up Wi-Fi Calling on your Freedom Mobile device, it will automatically use Wi-Fi Calling whenever you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network with Internet access. You can manage your defaults in your phone’s Wi-Fi Calling settings.

  • To set up Wi-Fi Calling on your Android phone, click here.

  • To set up Wi-Fi Calling on your iPhone, click here.

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