Coverage map

The Freedom Mobile coverage area is an approximation of the actual wireless service available and is subject to change as more towers are built. The level of voice and data service while within the Freedom network coverage area may vary due to terrain, foliage, technical capacity, or weather conditions. Freedom Mobile cannot guarantee service availability.

Freedom’s 5G network is accessible with a 5G plan and a 5G compatible phone when within Freedom’s 5G coverage areas. You’ll need a compatible 5G device with up-to-date software and 5G enabled in your device's settings. Depending on which frequencies your phone supports you will be able to experience faster data speeds and improved experience. Check out our selection of phones or bring your own phone.


Our services and rate plans are designed for you to use predominantly on the Freedom network. Learn more about the Freedom network.


When you travel outside of the Freedom network, you’ll be automatically connected to a partner’s network. Your phone will display ‘Nationwide’ when in this area and may also indicate that it’s roaming.